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31 July 2010

Rely Upon Unseen Forces by David Neagle

I’ve been talking to you over the past few months about ways to facilitate your quantum leap. Today I’m giving you another key. When you’re going for the thing you want to manifest in your life, it is imperative that you place your faith and trust in unseen forces.

You can call your unseen forces: God, spirit, energy ... whatever you want. Its name does not matter. What matters is that this force can orchestrate resources much more grandly than you can.

As Price Pritchett writes in You2, “Forget the idea that you should be able to see tangibly and in full view all the resources necessary to leverage your performance so dramatically. There are resources you can access that cannot be seen, and they’re far greater and more powerful than the resources that you might readily observe.”

Listen, no one achieves his or her full potential through struggle.

Are you hearing me?

Trying as hard as you can will never take you as far as you’re capable of going.

In order to grow and reach your full potential, you must take advantage of the support systems you cannot see. They have the broader vision ~ and the power ~ to urge you farther than you could ever go on your own.

How Do They Work?

The unseen forces operate through your subconscious mind, mental imagery, intuition, serendipity. As Pritchett writes, “You might be hit with a flash of inspiration during a moment of solitude. A creative solution to a problem may come to you in a dream. A breakthrough idea can flash through your mind while you’re visualizing your goal. Somehow, the resources you need just seem to appear by coincidence.”

To activate the help of the unseen forces, all you have to do is let them in and hold a vivid picture of what you want in your mind. Stay utterly focused upon your vision.

If you can do that with every fiber of your being, instantly and automatically your world will begin to change. Most people find it astounding how fast it actually changes.

Let me tell you a story about a woman I know who was stuck for a decade about a desire to turn a novel she’d written into a screenplay. She judged her desire as far-fetched and questioned why she wanted it. One day, it all came to a head at a publishing convention where she was arguing with herself about whether to go to a panel on taking books to film. It was just a panel, but part of her would not even let her go. Finally, after a lot of internal back and forth, she said, “Dammit, I want to go to the panel! I’m going to the panel!”

She had 40 minutes before it started and turned toward a woman, who had sat down nearby, her badge flipped over to hide her name.

They got to talking. Long story short, her seatmate turned out to be a top independent film agent in Hollywood. Not only that, she was on the panel.

Isolated incident? Not on your life. That’s how the unseen forces operate. If you give your desire the respect it deserves, the best resource you could ever hope for, could sit down right next to you.

One Important Caveat: As you are choosing your goal, make sure that you are truly inspired by it, that your choice isn’t coming from fear.

A lot of people pick monetary goals that are fear-based. If yours is a money goal, be certain that it springs from true wanting. Also, don’t shy away from what you want because you judge it in some way. Your vision should touch and inspire you. Remember, it is the spark of the divine within you. Let it burn brightly. Your clear, burning vision is your rallying cry to the cosmos. It tells the unseen forces that you are ready and willing.

And, when you are truly ready, the unseen forces will dazzle you with their impact. You can count on it.

David Neagle
Life is Now Inc.

For a global business opportunity operating on all continents, in over 70 countries visit

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