Right here Right now This is the place

01 August 2010

One secret most people don't know that will bring more clients your way by Paige Stapleton and Brian Stark

There is a secret to having a successful business, that Brian and I refused to accept or even acknowledge for the longest time...

But once we did, we were able to move from near bankruptcy to now having a solid 6-figure business in just 1 year.

Now, this secret is one of those dirty little ones that we didn't necessarily want to hear. Nor is it one that we began to take action on immediately.

In fact you could say that we did the direct opposite in the beginning, but we have to admit that once we owned it, it allowed us to turn our business around in a matter of months. And we believe it can offer the same power to you and your practice.

So here is the secret, but before we share it with you we ask that you hear us out before you decide to unsubscribe from our ezine. :-)
Without further ado, here's the secret - If you have a practice, if you offer a service, if you have a business, if you help people as your profession... the inevitable truth is that you are in sales.

Keep in mind that when we talk about sales, we are talking about the process of connecting with others, creating relationships, nurturing those connections and relationships, educating your connections about the work you do and how it can help them and actually asking them if they feel like what you offer would help them fulfill their desires, relieve their pain or end their struggles.

We can call it building relationships, exchanging energy, reaching more people, but at its core, no matter how we try to fight it, this process is the process of sales.

And sales are made when we meet, connect and reach out to people who need or desire our services.

That being said, we were wondering just what the stats were around connecting with people and sales, so we got some information from the National Sales Executive Association:

2% of sales are made on the 1st contact
3% of sales are made on the 2nd contact
5% of sales are made on the 3rd contact
10% of sales are made on the 4th contact
80% of sales are made on the 5th-12th contact

Granted, these are very general stats, but based on this information, look at that jump once you have had over 4 contacts with a prospective client. And it make sense when you recognize what it takes to have people know, like and trust you enough to purchase your services.

Now these contacts referred to above can be anything from meeting you in person or talking with you on the phone to receiving your newsletter to seeing your business card or flyer somewhere to seeing your ad in the paper or a magazine to hearing your name from someone else to checking out your website or connecting with you via social media.

Of course, there are many strategies to begin creating these consistent opportunities to connect with you.

And this is the part that really turned it around for us and our business, and we find it is one of the most overlooked strategies for so many people ... what they do not do consistently is FOLLOW-UP!

Here are some other stats we came across in our research:

48% of sales people never follow up with a prospect
25% of sales people make a second contact and stop
12% of sales people only make three contacts and stop
only 10% of sales people make more than three contacts

Again, these are very general stats, but when you connect these with the "number of contacts" it takes to make a sale, there is a lot to learn from this... It is so important for the health of your practice to follow up.

Your Authentic Assignment
Look at these stats and ask yourself how much your practice would grow if you began consistently following up with the contacts you make.

This next week, when you get someone's business card or information, follow up with them, learn what they need and see if you can help. You'll be surprised at all the doors is will open for you.

If your business is not where you want it to be this year, schedule a complimentary Strategy session with us. We will discuss your business and show you ways you can begin to attract more clients right now, while staying in integrity with who you are. Just click here to set up your session: https://my.timedriver.com/JCNHJ 

And for a global busines that could make all your dreams come true go to http://www.prosperity-thru-wellness.com/

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