Right here Right now This is the place

09 October 2012

Get-this-Now: Wellness Tip 3/1 De-junk your life (& your body) Part I

Take a look around your home, your garden, your garage ... what do you see? Stuff. Yes! Lots of it. Cast your eyes over everything you have accumulated in your life up until that moment - every possession has some sort of mental or emotional attachment, and a story to tell. Perhaps you are living in the past, as junk is generally attached to the past and holds you back. Letting go of junk is the best way to inject vitality into your life. And into your body. Now, look again. How much of that stuff do you actually use, or like, and how much is gathering dust, unused and unloved? If you close your eyes and imagine that all that unloved, unused stuff has gone - how would it feel? Some people cling to things and can't believe how refreshed, how liberated and how wonderful they could feel once they've gone through the process of de-junking their lives. And their bodies. Let's see how you can de-junk your life and be up to date and ready for new and better "stuff".

The benefits are invaluable You can re-organise your home and simply your life You'll feel more clear-headed and in control Things won't get lost or misplaced quite so easily There'll be less to tidy, dust, clean (and insure J) And de-junking is excellent for stress-relief too.

What is junk? Junk is ... things you've never liked; things you never use; items needing repair; things you have kept because they might be useful one day; items that have generally been used or read once or twice. Childhood collections and mementos that are no longer appropriate or have any particular value. Yes, it's there, somewhere, and we get used to just seeing through it. (Source: TODAY mag)

Part II (Where is the junk, how do you start) and Part III (De-junk your body) to follow.
by Beba Papakyriakou (with permission)(Source: Today Mag).
Herbalife Independent Distributor

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