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19 November 2012

Get-this-Now: Wellness Tip 3/9: Better sports nutrition

10 points to better sports nutrition

1. Your body works a lot like a car. It needs fuel to function effectively. Your muscle cells function similarly to a fuel tank. Stored carbohydrates serve as a rapid source of fuel. Eat carbo-rich foods prior to your workout to reduce the drain on your body's stored energy.

2. The most effective way to fuel your body is with energy-rich nutrients. Eat a large meal four to six hours before you work out. Eat a lighter meal two to three hours before physical activity. Grab a snack 30 minutes prior to exercise. If you are an athlete, 50 - 60% of your diet should be made up of carbs.

3. Recharge your battery. Refuel during workouts that are more than 30 minutes in length. Drink fluids that have simple carbohydrates.

4. Tap into your reserve fuel tank for extended bouts of physical activity. Your body begins to burn fat as fuel after about 18 to 20 minutes of aerobic exercise (long to moderate distance).

5. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. It is imperative to replenish the liquids you lose when working out. While exercising be sure to drink fluids every 10 minutes. Don't wait until you are thirsty to drink fluids.

6. Protein is key in muscle maintenance and growth. Your body must receive adequate amounts of protein to function properly and repair damaged tissue. Be sure your body receives the recommended daily protein requirements: 1.0 - 2.0grams per kilogram body weight.

7. Protein vs. carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are instant fuel for the muscles. Protein assists recovery and repair, helping damaged muscles maintain muscle and increase girth.

8. Maximizing your fueling and refueling efforts: be sure to eat a carbo-rich food within 30 minutes of completing your exercise regimen. Take in easily digestible carbs, which are converted to glucose and stored in muscles as glycogen (quick fuel).

9. Keys to reducing recovery time: Adequate protein; antioxidant nutrients; adequate fluid.

10. Use supplementation to your advantage. Vitamin and minerals help assist the body's chemical reactions and regulatory processes. Antioxidant nutrients may help you reduce your recovery time. Supplements are especially beneficial for athletes susceptible to decreased immune systems. (Source: TODAY mag)

Posted by Beba Papakyriakou (with permission)(Source: Today Mag).
Herbalife Independent Distributor

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