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26 November 2012

Get-this-Now: Wellness Tip 3/10: Nutritional Support

What's what - A handful of benefits about a handful of ingredients

- Vitamin A - necessary for proper vision, bone development and growth
- Soy protein isolate - dietary protein used for repair and growth of every cell in the body
- Vitamin E - antioxidant, important for the heart, circulation, nerves, muscles and red blood cells
- Vitamin D - helps the body utilize calcium and phosphorus for strong bones and teeth
- Thiamin - important for the release of energy from carbohydrates; aids in the functioning of the nervous system
- Riboflavin - beneficial to vision; needed for converting proteins, fats and crabs into energy
- Niacin - vital for energy release in cells; helps to maintain a healthy nervous and digestive system
- Vitamin B6 - promotes healthy skin and nerves; important for protein metabolism
- Folic acid - essential for growth and reproduction of cells; helps maintain normal levels of Homocysteine; important for women of child-bearing age
- Vitamin B12 - contains essential mineral elements; needed for red blood cell production

- Biotin - essential for the metabolism of fats and proteins
- Pantothenic acid - essential for the release of energy from food; helps fight infection
- Calcium - maintains strong bones and healthy teeth; needed for healthy nerves and muscles
- Iron - essential for oxygen transport via red blood cell haemoglobin
- Phosphorus - present in every cell in the body; necessary for normal bone and tooth structure
- Magnesium - essential for muscle and nerve function, energy release, healthy reproductive and immune systems
- Zinc - needed for healthy reproduction and immune systems, and tissue repair and renewal
- Iodine - helps maintain thyroid function
- Potassium - a vital macro-mineral important for nerve function; helps to maintain the body's natural water balance
- Copper - needed for melanin formation and iron metabolism
- Selenium - works with Vitamin E as an antioxidant neutralizing free radical
- Manganese - needed for healthy bones and nervous system
- Oat fibre - high in soluble fibre which research shows may help to support a healthy blood supply

- Stem ginger, aloe, bio yoghurt, blueberry - digestive soothing capability
- Lemon, cranberries, grapefruit, apple, kiwi, blackcurrants, grapes - cleansing properties
- High energy potential - bananas, raisins, grapes, honey, mango
- Fibre-packed - citrus fruits, apples, pears, kiwis, berries, currants, figs, bananas, oats/cereals
- High-value antioxidants - guava, blackcurrants, papaya, kiwi, mango, cherries, oranges, apricots, blueberries

Tip for those concerned about cholesterol levels: The inclusion of at least 25g soy protein per day as part of a diet low in saturated fat can help reduce blood cholesterol. (Source Today mag)

We do not make medical claims.

Posted by Beba Papakyriakou (with permission)(Source: Today Mag).
Herbalife Independent Distributor

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