How would you know if your body is gasping for water - check out these symptoms, starting with the most common through to the more severe ones:
Headaches - a major function of water is to flush toxins from the body. Your brain is 75% water, so even being slightly dehydrated can cause headaches.
Poor concentration/fatigue - if your body is overloaded with toxins and not enough water to flush them out, you will feel less energetic while your body struggles with the toxins.
Constipation - water speeds the process of elimination adding bulk to the stool, so drinking adequate fluid assists the "flow" and regularity.
Reduced urine output/dark urine - the kidneys filter waste products out of the blood. Approximately 180 litres of water is "recycled" by the kidney daily. This process relies on an adequate fresh supply, without which output of urine is reduced, and waste products become more concentrated resulting in darker urine.
Furry tongue/bad breath - if not enough fluid is passing through the mouth to wash away food particles, bacteria builds up in the throat and mouth, and on the tongue as a white film or fur.
Dry mouth - saliva lubricates the mouth, dehydration reduces the amount available. In more severe dehydration
Muscle cramps - this happens when not enough oxygen is getting to the muscles via the bloodstream because of insufficient water in the body.
Skin - if there is not enough water to feed the skin, it loses elasticity. Test by pulling the skin on the back of your hand; it should snap back instantly.
Eyes - sunken eyes and dark skin around/under the eyes are a sign of severe dehydration
Don't overlook water retention ... The less water you drink, the more your body will try to store water for later use. This will result in water retention as the body swells with their precious water stores, giving the appearance of "extra weight". (Source: TODAY mag)
Posted by Beba Papakyriakou (with permission)(Source: Today Mag).
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